Rarity4u are a premier and trusted online resource to find, collect, buy and learn about antiques, collectables and other old, rare and beautiful items. Our carefully selected items range from the Georgian, Victorian, Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods through to Contemporary and include furniture, jewellery, toys Asian antiques and so much more.
An antique may have been a production item many years ago, but age, usage and patination makes each item unique. You will notice some of our items are matched pairs and we will not sell them separately.
Not all our items are listed, so if you do not find the item for which you search, contact us and we will check to see if we have it in our stock.
We want your buying experience at our shop to be pleasant, so we tend to understate rather than overstate an item description, to avoid disappointment when the item arrives.
Professional restorers, museums, galleries, and collectors worldwide use our range of wax, metal polish and cleaning products.
We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our store or any of the items we have listed. It is important that you satisfy yourself about us, the item you want and our policies, before you purchase the item.
All Rarity4u policies are described in full and can be seen on our website.
We enjoy finding nice things with character, age or pleasant design, and our expanding customer base indicates our efforts are appreciated, so journey through distance and time from the comfort of your own home, and bring back the treasures from another land and from another era.
Enjoy! 😀😀😀