So You Want To Be A Collector

  • Time To Read: approximately 3 minutes
You do not have to be a squirrel to be a collector, but it would probably help. Squirrels collect and store during the summer when food is plentiful, to help them through the long winter when food is more difficult to find. Similarly with collectors, they look for pieces in times of plenty, so they can admire and enjoy their collection during the difficult times when time, money, space and suitable pieces are hard to find.
Every collector is an individual and thus each collection is unique. Because of this it is therefore not possible to give a definitive set of rules for collecting but we have produced a general guideline to assist all collectors of all ages.
All collectors have two basic things in common irrespective of their speciality, namely an interest in their subject and a love of collecting. The urge to collect generally precedes the selection of the items to be acquired, so what are the basic rules for starting a collection.
Collecting anything, antique or modern, is limited by three factors:
Space available
Time available
Money available
Having determined these basic essentials, it is then a personal matter. The taste of the collector may lead to watches or clocks, china teapots, or innumerable other things. The lucky acquisition of an admired piece may lead to a determination to get more of the same, or at least to start a quest to find out what the admiration is all about.
Golden Rules For Collectors
  • Concentrate your collection and have a theme, do not buy at random.
  • Try to buy objects that are well made.
  • Buy objects that are in as good condition as possible, they will give you the most satisfaction. Do not reject damaged pieces out of hand, better to have something damaged than nothing at all.
  • Buy objects that encapsulate the time in which they were made.
  • Do not buy with investment in mind, those who do invariably come unstuck.
  • Spend the most you can afford on the best possible example. Sell three good examples to buy one exceptional example.
  • ry to avoid following a trend, very often prices are higher than they merit and may take a tumble, so in other words follow your own instinct.
  • Dedicate time to your collecting, time spent is of more value than money.
  • Spend not only on your chosen objects, but also on books, magazines, visits to collections and lectures. They will all enhance the pleasure you get from your collection.
  • Buy only what you really, truly love.
We have many helpful articles, guides and tips to help the beginner and seasoned collector alike. The information we publish is intended to help the collector in a number of different ways, including, dating the piece, clues to the original maker, and where possible some background history of the maker.
It is not possible in a single website to give detailed information about every aspect of antiques and collectables along with the practicality of the time needed for research, writing and publishing the information. However we do publish articles regularly, so bookmark Rarity4u and remember to check back frequently.
Happy and rewarding collecting.

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